Keeping Life Simple!

We as people have a tendency to over complicate problems in our lives.  Turning mountains out of mole hills.  A few posts back, I talked about inner-conflict, which is a subject I wish to touch on again briefly, because many of the problems we are trying to change, are created by the very thing we are trying to change it with.  And it only takes a little understanding to begin to change perceptions around pull back on bad habits.

Happy, happy Halloween!

Last Halloween wasn't very good.  We only had about 2 trick or treaters or so.  I wasn't very happy with the turn out last year, and started worrying that Halloween was a dying holiday.  The thought even now makes my heart sink.  Thankfully, this Halloween turned out much better then the last, and my hopes for the future have been renewed.  Perhaps the holiday hasn't died, and perhaps it will make a come back.  That, I would truly love!

Halloween is Back!

As anyone who reads this blog knows, so... pretty much just me, that Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year.  It's my favorite day of the year, even over Christmas and my birthday.  Love the sights and sounds, the leaves changing color and falling in the wind.  I love the chill in the air and the sometimes eerie feeling it carries.  Of course the candy too.  I love it all.  Also love giving people a good scare.  Of course getting one, isn't quite as fun; but watching someone get scared, is still a good runner up!

Inner Conflict of the Two Minds!

One of my goals here is to try and encourage those who are interested in exploring within themselves, to do so.  But, if like me, you've tried, only to be met with a series of defeats, it can be very discouraging to keep trying when something within yourself seems so against you all the time.  It might not be during meditation, either.  You might just feel it in general, when you try and breach your comfort zone even a little, something within seems to stand against you.

A Presentation on Mind over Matter!

A few years ago, I had the privilege of stumbling across a series of videos of a presentation conducted at the Rhine Institute by Pamela Rae Heath, a paranormal investigator.  The talk was on the power of the mind, and the many, many different phenomena attributed to it.  This talk, although a bit lengthy, opened my eyes to all the different possibilities that may be out there, waiting for us to discover them.

What is Belief?

Ahh, my favorite month of the year has returned, and with it, my two favorite holidays, my birthday, and Halloween! 

I haven't posted here in a while, mostly because I'm unsure of the direction I want to take this blog, if it is worth keeping up, and if I can do anything useful with it.  I originally intended it to be like an online journal of mine, where I could link to videos and articles that I thought were interesting, and discuss things that have been weighing on my mind, or experiences that I have.

Power of Meditation!

Last time I talked a bit about how to meditate, and explained a little on how simple it was, and what meditation is for.  Chi is another topic I discuss a little bit here, and meditation is of primary importance if one wishes to embark on a path to acquiring chi.  A little while ago, a ran across a couple of videos that I would like to share that goes a little deeper into the relationship between meditation and energy.

How to Meditate!

Meditation is an integral part of of any psychic, spiritual or energetic development.  It allows you to hone your intention, prevent intruding thoughts and distraction, collect and direct your energies, reach profound states of relaxation, and new states of consciousness, and ultimately it allows you to perceive the world like never before.  It is the cornerstone of progress for cultivating your mind, body and energy.

More Demonstrations of Chi!

I have posted many videos so far on Chi, and demonstrations for it's uses.  So why should I stop now?  In effect I am simply trying to spread awareness for these amazing abilities, and show how everyone can do them.  These skills aren't just for the blessed, or special, but for everyone, if they so choose to pursue them.  And to show that you do have the option to pursue them, and the ability to acquire them!

Christmas and the New Year!

So how was everyone's Christmas and New Year?  Mine actually wasn't that bad.  Despite how I'm not a huge fan of Christmas for already given reasons.  Ironically, I complained about how I get clothes for Christmas, and this time I didn't  get any.  Turns out, I need some...  But I can go get some later.  Christmas over all was better then I expected it to be though.