Christmas and the New Year!

So how was everyone's Christmas and New Year?  Mine actually wasn't that bad.  Despite how I'm not a huge fan of Christmas for already given reasons.  Ironically, I complained about how I get clothes for Christmas, and this time I didn't  get any.  Turns out, I need some...  But I can go get some later.  Christmas over all was better then I expected it to be though.

I got some candy and few little fun things.  My favorite is probably the toy bow and arrow set you get at the dollar store.  It's a cheap toy, but incredibly fun to play with.  I felt like a kid again.  I felt a little stupid playing with it for hours after I got it.  Seemed really odd someone of my age playing so vigorously with a toy meant for a 6 year old.  I still play with it too.  The arrows even broke and I went and got super-glue so I could continue playing with it.

New Years for me was just another day though.  I contemplated making a New Year's resolution, but decided not to.  Since the last times that I made one, I never ended up following through with it, I figured this time around, it had a greater chance of occurring if I don't make it a resolution.  So far this hasn't worked either, but you never know.  I didn't expect it to work very quickly into the new year anyways.

All in all though neither was so bad.  I do hope that this year is a little better then last year.  Or with any luck, a lot better!  I always hold out for my dreams to come true.

So, how was your holidays?  Did you have fun?  Get the presents that you wanted?  Make a resolution that you are actually sticking to?  Did you get to see the fireworks?

If not, here you go!