Gravity is a Lie!

Well, sort of.  But I at least have your attention now, right?  Oh, but it gets better.  Way better!  What if I were to tell you that the gravity that you were taught in school, is NOT FACT, but is instead JUST A THEORY!  That's right.  Gravity has NEVER been proven.  All we know is that things fall towards the earth, but not why.  The theory taught in schools is that large amounts of mass attracts smaller amounts of mass.  But it has never been proven.

To account for this theory and force, science needed a concept within their own set parameters that acted on mass.  There needs to be substance, at least something measurable to account for this force of nature.  And so enter, Gravitons and Gravity waves.  Although widely accepted as a scientific explanation, neither of them have been found or measured in any way, shape or form.  We literally accept gravity as fact with no evidence for the theory.

Now, the purpose of this post is not to say that Gravity does not exist (despite the title), but merely to point out that Gravity is not fact.  Then maybe raise the question of what is gravity, really?  Although there are plenty of holes in the theory, allow me to raise one.  Gravity is responsible for so many things on our planet and in our solar system, right?  It is responsible for the formation of planets, planetary orbits, the weight of objects, and even tides of the ocean, yes?

Then, real quick, if larger masses attracts smaller masses, then how can particles, attract particles?  They are of roughly equal size, right?  If it works on that scale, shouldn't then little grains of sand be attracted to one another?  Remember planets were born from these small attractions, yet somehow weakens as they become larger?  Such as forming sand in this simple case.  But then returns again when it comes to planetary orbits?  Curious...

Oh, there is more, lots more little holes to explore, but that's too much writing, and I'm lazy.  I was going to do a post on levitation, but realized I would need to go over a bit on gravity first, so as I was looking gravity up, because I already knew that gravity was just a theory, not fact, I ran into an article that I feel does a pretty good job of explaining it for me.  So please give it a read, it brings up some very enlightening points.

What I didn't know that the article spoke about was the made up mathematics in order to make their theories fit.  Kind of makes sense though.  I already knew though that science is a club, and acts as its own religion, ostracizing those who don't follow their doctrines, and attacking the previous established religions, gods and traditions of their predecessors.  Both the made up mathematics and discrimination are discusses in the article linked above.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the matter?  Do you find it interesting, or just a load of bologna?  ("Bologna" that is the weirdest way to spell that word.)