Begone Evil Tumor!
There is a split down the center of the screen. On the left, there is a still-frame of the tumor for comparatives sake, while on the right is the live scan of the tumor, so you can watch it disappear. The first minute is uneventful, and then they get to chanting, and then you watch as the tumor magically disappears. I watched this for the first time today, and admittedly, I wasn't sure what I was seeing. I do believe it is possible to heal yourself with such practices, even such things as tumors, cancer and aids. But that doesn't mean that every video I run across I will believe.
I watched this video several times, because of course I read the comments. There are several different uploads of this video, and I watched them too. The comments were split between it being real and it being fake. The best explanation I ran into claiming it was fake, was on a CT scan, if you move the transducer probe on the skin, even very slightly, you can make things in the scan disappear. Effectively, the scan has moved just enough, that it's not showing the tumor anymore.
However, the video does come from a No-Medicine Hospital over in China. This Hospital appears to be real, and has been around since 1988. The hospital apparently is recognized as an actual clinic by the Chinese government. And this clinic averages about a 95% success rate with it's patients, and has gotten some press over the treatment of their patients.
But then again, people say Gregg Braden is a Fraud too. But they say that about everyone so...
And because this post is on tumors, I could not help but think of these two clips... Enjoy!
It's kinda catchy.
Well there goes my theory...