Is it really Chi? Or just Air?

The video below is from a friend of mine.  I have seen him do this over skype for me.  He simply sets up this half folded sheet of tinfoil, and then seems to direct chi energy at it, and it moves.  He sets it up, takes a few steps back, moves his arms around a bit, and seemingly directs chi energy at it.  But because he moves his arms around, I can't rule out that it isn't air that he is pushing along.

After seeing him do it a few times in his videos, and live over skype, I got curious and tested it myself, trying to see if just air could move it.  It did move, but not in the ways or to the degree that his moved in his video and over skype.  In-fact I had to get within several feet of it and thrust my arms around swiftly to get it to slide.

There seems to be a fluency in the way that the tinfoil moves that I couldn't easily reproduce.  So I am left wondering.  But a bigger question I would think is, if, on some level, chi is involved, then what is chi?

I am left thinking that there is at least a little something more to this video then just practiced movement of air.