What the Bleep?!

If you haven't by chance seen the movie "What the Bleep do we Know?", then I highly suggest it.  It's well worth the watch.  If your unfamiliar with the film, it's a documentary-style film set to explore the connection between quantum physics and consciousness, and how our thoughts can influence what happens to us, and a whole lot more.  It' delves into how quantum physics works to some degree and ties it to consciousness, which springs forth into the Law of Attraction.  So recap, quantum physics, consciousness, law of attraction, endless possibilities.

It was released back in 2004 and became a sleeper hit.  Staying in theaters for a whole year (apparently).  I watched it when it was in 15 minute sections on youtube, but I managed to find the whole video so I thought I would toss it up here.  It really is well done though, and out of all the documentaries I've seen over the years, this is one of them that kept my attention pretty easily.  So, I hope you enjoy!

Quantum Physics is going to be quite an interesting area to explore.  I am beginning to believe, that if science and spirituality ever are meant to meet, it will at least begin, in quantum physics.

I was reading this videos wikipedia page, and noticed an academic reaction section.  In it acclaimed figures of academia criticize the movie as being fantasy-mysticism, and out right hogwash.  All the while sticking to their long held beliefs that matter is hard and unchanging.  If you think about it a moment, you can understand why.  The new science says the old science is wrong.  Wouldn't that make the old science a little angry?  Including those who've stuck by it and invested in it for so many years?  It would me too.

There was a couple of comments that made me giggle though.  One being, - "Simon Singh called it pseudoscience and said the suggestion "that if observing water changes its molecular structure, and if we are 90% water, then by observing ourselves we can change at a fundamental level via the laws of quantum physics" was "ridiculous balderdash." -.  And yet, if we skip on over to wikipedia's page for meditation, under the scientific studies section, it tells a little bit different story...

- "Recent investigations of mediation have linked it to increased intelligence through physical growth of the brain. Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and MIT conducted brain scans that reveal an increased thickness in the parts of the brain that deal with attention and sensory input processing." -  Isn't meditation effectively, observing one's self?  And it yielded brain growth?  So there's one physical change.  Any others? - "The practice of meditation has also been linked with various favourable outcomes that include: “effective functioning, including academic performance, concentration, perceptual sensitivity, reaction time, memory, self control, empathy, and self esteem.". -
Did it say academic performance?  I think it did!  Can someone say, irony?

Any more? - "Mindfulness Meditation has now entered the health care domain because of evidence suggesting a positive correlation between the practice and emotional and physical health. Examples of such benefits include: reduction in stress, anxiety, depression, headaches, pain, elevated blood pressure, etc." -.

There are other comments that made me chuckle a little, but most are just attacks at either the film, or it's viewers.  

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.  Thank you for watching and reading!