Science vs. Spirituality

A war has waged for ages between spirituality and science, and which best accounts for the origins of the universe.  As time marches on, it seems the tables are beginning to tilt in a new direction, with atheism on the rise.  Science is becoming the new God of the world and people, and it sees fit to remove all old Gods from their thrones.  Although on the ropes, religion and spirituality is not out of the fight yet, as they may still have a few surprises of their own still waiting to be used... and discovered.

Atheism is on the rise, and much of its growth is due to one man, Richard Dawkins.  Although he is not the only one pushing atheism along, he is probably the most famous proponent of it.  He argues that there are natural explanations to the universe and natural explanations to how life was formed and shaped here on earth.  He completely discounts God, in-fact if you even hint at a possible intelligence to this universe, then he wont have it.

One of the reasons he will not consider God is because it adds another level to the problem, which he believes then gives way to its falsehood.  An example is, what created the universe? God?! Well you see then we would have to explain God, and that is no explanation at all.  An explanation for the creation of the universe that many physicists believe, is known as the Multiverse.  This theory was formulated to explain the serious complexity and fine tuning the world and universe holds in order to produce and maintain life.

It started with the question of, 'What are the chances that the universe could assemble itself in such a manner that can then create and sustain life, by pure chance?'.  Mathematicians calculated the number to be far too huge for chance to actually account for it.  As far as numbers go, it was about as close to impossible as you could get.  This became a real problem for them, they have already decided to rule out God and keep him out, so what is there to turn to?  Well, they decided to double their chances, multiple times.  What if this wasn't the only universe?  What if there were billions and trillions of universes out there, all randomly throwing their dice for the chance to assemble in just the right manner as to support life.  Surely then at least one of them could manage it.  And so that is how they decided to look at it, we are just the one that managed to beat the odds.

Although without realizing it, they have added three levels to it.  Multiple universes instead of one, and how that were formed or created, and what caused them to roll the dice in the first place.  Anyways, after all the dust settled, the planets and stars formed, and life began, we then look at the complexities of life.  How could life be shaped in such a manner to get us to where we are now?  The answer?  Natural selection.  Kill or be killed, survival of the fittest.  Animals evolve because there is a need to evolve.  And when everything is said and done, looking back on it all, it would look like intelligent design, when it in-fact is not.

I have always wondered what caused evolution to occur.  I get that we accept it as truth, although I am a bit iffy on it.  But what causes it to occur?  Admittedly I'm not an expert on evolution so maybe this question has been answered.  But, is it individual animals that evolve or whole species at a time?  In individual I mean within a family, so in the case of lets say a rabbit, it would be from mother rabbit to baby rabbit, with the baby having the new trait.  Or is it whole species at a time?  Whether or not it's individual or whole-sale evolution, I find the same problem with at least natural selection being the answer.

Biggest reason for it is, evolution through natural selection occurs, lets say in the case of the rabbit, because they are dying.  Dang predators keep picking them off.  They need some upgrade to survive, right?  How are they acquiring and passing on this information that they need to evolve?  The ones that lived didn't need a reason, they lived, as far as their concerned, their fine and dandy as they are.  But the ones that weren't so lucky, died, they didn't get a chance to run to their little rabbit buddies and say, "Hey, you would not believe what just happened to me!  There was this big cat and it started chasing me, and I was all like, AAHHHHH!!! and it was all like Grrrr, and then it ate me.  It was scary, I think we should try and find a solution to it!".  No they can't. Because they didn't make it (RIP little rabbits of old times.  Rest assured we keep you as pets now.)  So how can they pass on this information?  In short, the ones that lived wouldn't need to, and the ones that died wouldn't get a chance to.  So I'm left wondering.

If it was whole species at a time, then the same problem is presented.  How can a species as a whole know that they are ill-equipped and decide to evolve.  Obviously I don't mean that this decision is decided and executed on a conscious level, but even on an unconscious level, the information must be acquired and executed, not only that they need to evolve, but the process of evolution itself.  Then the big question is, how can the surviving members of a species know that other members have fallen, due to a flaw that predators are exploiting, and then decide to change.  How are they getting this information?

Another issue can be the amount of information that would be required in order for the evolution itself to take place.  Take the first single celled organism.  How did it know to divide?  How much information would it take for it to literally split in two, and make an exact copy of itself.  All of it's genetic information doubles, including the added information to continue to double.  Could a single cell hold all that information?

I will go into this subject a bit more later, but for now I want to leave you with another question.  Let's say, hypothetically that there is a multiverse out there.  Billions upon trillions of other universes.  How is it if everything is just a happy accident, that all of these universes were aimed at creating life?  What's so special about life, if there is no meaning?

Unless of course, there is something more out there...