I've been looking into chi for a long time now. Part of the reason for this is that sometime back, I ran into a video of a man who could use it, and from then on I wanted to know more. I had heard prior to the video some of what the power of chi could do, but hadn't seen it, so it was hard to believe. But then I saw this.
This for the most part is a clip from a volcano documentary. While filming one of the crew falls ill and they seek a doctor and end up finding John Chang (Dynamo Jack), who happens to be a master of chi. As I'm sure you've seen from the video, he demonstrates his power with chi by passing electrical current into people, shoving a chopstick through a table, stopping a pellet with his bare-hands, and lighting a newspaper on fire, and a few other things.
The moment I saw this, I believed it to be real, and still do. This is the power that lays deep within you, the potential to harness the vital energies of the world and direct them.
I'll talk more about it later, I just wanted to show you this video. It's pretty cool huh? Imagine being able to do that. It would be awesome!